Mortician d'Italia

Napoli's Civil Servant

Giovanni Vuoto

Male ( He/Him )

December 28th, 1327

682 ( Appears only 27 )


193 cm

102 kg


β € β € Born to a French mother and Italian father as Giovanni Accorsa, Vuoto grew with a healthy and almost overzealous interest in the pursuit of knowledge. Always one to question the why of things, most of his time was invested in medicine and sciences, in order to not only delve into the root of more fascinating and arcane subjects, but to provide aid to people who needed it most, as well. By age 27, he was a well respected doctor - a need while the Black Plague ravaged Europe and slowly decimated over 1/3 of Italy's population.

β € β € However, his thirst for knowledge became his untimely demise when he stumbled upon the Stone Mask, a relic left behind by Kars and the other Pillar Men centuries ago before their slumber. Spikes pierced his skull through his doctor's mask, and left him dead for a short time. Upon waking and taking the life of his mentor, Vuoto thereafter fled the small village that was once his home, and settled in another for a time. Moving at a constant was a need, given the state of his person as a vampire. 30 years after his turning, Vuoto came across the stand arrow, pierced through the hand and gaining his terrifying stand, Devil's Night. With many years of practice beneath his belt, he became an expert and relatively fearsome Stand User, invincible as Dio Brando had once known to be, but with a far calmer temperament.

β € β € His fascination with death and the dead had come from his duties taken on during the plague era, piling bodies to be burned in the pits to avoid further spread of disease. Noting how peaceful and calm each corpse looked, despite lesions and wounds, Vuoto had decided then that he would become the caretaker to the deceased; recent, or not so. Work is diligent to restore corpses as close to their living glory as possible, a final kindness given onto them before they pass into Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.

β € β € Living currently in Napoli, he works as he always had to restore the dead and offer burials, free of charge, even going so far as to dig their graves for families that could not afford the service. Many of his " clients " are bodies left behind by mob violence, but he does offer civilian services as well, able to keep himself and his home-shop up and running. In terms of Passione, he is not a part of the notorious gang, but watches their movements with interest, likening them often to rats, and Diavolo to the King of Rats.


A creature that walks with the fire and brimstone of Hell itself; DEVIL'S NIGHT.

A fully sentient and intelligent stand, devil's night's surface radiates at a glass-melting 1600 degrees Celsius, able to boil flesh from bone and scald most of what it touches; including floral life and grasses its' hooves tread upon. The heat from this creature can be felt within 3 meters away, and comes to be of great discomfort if exposure is prolonged.

In addition to a dangerous touch, with no need for stomach acids, magma fills a stomach-like organ in the beasts' chest, making it capable of vomiting pahoehoe lava, or lava with a low viscosity and runny nature. Of course, humans who come into contact with this dangerous vomit risk death, if not severe wounds.

The most common method of attack is to grab prey with its' many arms an wrench the lower jaw open, vomiting molten rock and ash down the throat of the victim, essentially melting them from the inside out. It is also able to form a projectile that can hit targets at a distance, but is not highly accurate. Projectile vomit can only reach targets within a small 2 meter radius, but with deadly accuracy.

The Stand Cry is a series of laughs and giggles, along with retching and gurgling associated with vomiting. Nothing is at all replicable.

Naturally, Devil's Night does not respond well to cool fluids, and will actually be somewhat harmed by them wherein the skin will form a hard, rocklike shell around the Stand that prohibits movement. This is the only known way to halt Devil's Night or affectively " harm " it.